Make a List of Your Most Important Thoughts

Prime your Mornings With Personal Affirmations

Did you think about something today in your life that you want to be better? Your finances, your marriage, your weight, your career? How did you respond to the universe calling you out? I’m sure you sat down and brainstormed a list of three things you could do to move in that direction  and then […]

Launch Out -The Inside Scoop to the Most Influential Conference in Atlanta for 2016

My sit-down with Launch Out founder, Randy Langley

Bradley and Randy smiling for a photo in front of a Route 66 sign.

Ten minutes into my sit down with Launch Out’s founder, Randy Langley today in Tulsa and I finally got it. I knew the rapidly growing conference was an event where people go, build relationships, and….well, launch out. What I didn’t understand until today was the hidden magic in the conference that is taking place behind the […]

Exciting Times are Here

A few things happening right now in my world

Hey! What’s going on in your life? It’s been awhile since we’ve been in touch. I wanted to take a minute and  let you know what’s going on in my head. First off, thank you for all of the help with my recent book launch of Primed: The 4-Minute Start to Taking Over the World. […]