Category Archives: Life Hacks
Everything You Touch Should be Better When You Walk Away- The Quest for Excellence
Excellence Because you know how much effort you put into it. Because each little thing you do builds on your work, your character, your legacy. Because success in anything starts with the small. If someone is not smiling, if someone is not happy, if someone is stuck in a rut, don’t join them, throw […]
5 Incredible Questions to Help You Identify Your Passions in Life
“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” ― Voltaire The world is full of crazy ideas, sales pitches, and people who want our time. Every day we have to choose between so many things in our life- work, family, friends, newspapers, movies, books, podcasts. We live in such an incredible time. […]
$17,000 ticket, Mind-bending Ideas, Free for You – Welcome to TED.
Obstacle #257,876 – The 20 Mile Race that Never Happened
“He’s not here right now.” said the scruffy man with wily black hair and a red flannel shirt from behind the counter.” I was standing in a used auto parts store looking at the old car posters, the broken 25 cent gumball machine, and the motor oil colored sofa from 1976. I could sit down… I thought to […]